AI and Productivity

4 minutes read
it ai

I read an article, via Instapundit on Artificial Intelligence. I’ve worked in the corporate IT space for over 30 years. My primary school years were spent watching American men walk on the moon. I wanted that. At about the same time I found Star Trek reruns and Robert Heinlein. Later as a teen, I stood in line for hours to see Star Wars, ten times different times at movie theaters. A stint in the US Army and a college degree later, it occurred to me that the space adventure was not to be.

Addendum to Auto Costs

1 minutes read

My previous note on auto costs was for internal combustion engine vehicles. Electric vehicles are a whole different critter. Random fact: Ford loses about $32,000 on each EV they sell. These things, even with the subsidies, are massive cost centers for the American car industry. Think gas powered cars are expensive? That's in part because you're subsidizing Joe Biden's donors. — J.D. Vance (@JDVance1) September 15, 2023

The Federals Are Now The British

3 minutes read

The British, those that that existed circa 1776, were merely competent “administrators”. The America of 2023 certainly puts them to shame. The proto-Americans of 1776, on the other hand, were not as complacent as we are today. Here what the Declaration of Independence had to say about the their bureaucrats and King: He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance.